SPSS ile İstatiksel Veri Analizi

Programın Amacı Nedir? Katılımcıların SPSS programı hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaları; proje, tez ve araştırma yapmak için gerekli olan temel analiz tekniklerini uygulama ve analiz sonuçlarını yorumlamak için gerekli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmalarını sağlamak. Kimler Katılabilir? Bu eğitime lisans, yüksek lisans, doktora ve doktora sonrası öğrenciler, akademik çalışma yapan araştırmacılar ve akademisyenler, ölçek/anket geliştirip veri analizi yapmak isteyenler ve özel sektörde işi gereği istatistiksel analize ihtiyaç duyan kişiler katılabilir.  Program Detayları Nedir? 1. GÜN Temel kavramlar, Genel SPSS tanımı Araştırma problemi, hipotez, evren, örneklem, hipotez, değişken, veri türleri SPSS’de değişkenlerin tanımlanması ve veri girişi SPSS’de veri kontrolü 2. GÜN Betimsel istatistik Tablolar (sıklık sayım, sıklık dağılım, vb.) Grafikler (histogram, Q-Q tablosu, vb.) Merkezsel konum ölçüleri (mod, medyan, ortalama, vb.) İstatistiksel yayılma ve sapma (standart sapma, varyans, vb.) 3. GÜN Dağılım Normal dağılım, normal dağılım testleri Çarpıklık / Asimetri Uç değer Normal olmayan verinin dönüşümü 4. GÜN Hipotez testleri Test varsayımları Tek örneklem T-testi Eşleştirilmiş örneklem T-testi Etki büyüklüğü 5. GÜN Kavramsal arka plan Test varsayımları Bağımsız örneklem T-testi Varyans analizi (tek yönlü ANOVA) Etki büyüklüğü 6. GÜN Parametrik olmayan istatistiksel yöntemler Ki-kare analizleri T-testlerin ve varyans analizinin alternatifleri 7. GÜN Korelasyon Pearson Spearman Kendall’s tau Kısmi korelasyon Nokta iki serisel korelasyon 8. GÜN Regresyon Kavramsal arka plan Test varsayımları 9. GÜN Analiz Regresyon analizi Çoklu regresyon analizi 10. GÜN Analizlerin tekrarı Eğitmen Bilgisi Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mehmet AKINCI Lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora derecelerini Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nden almıştır. Bu süreçte, farklı seviyelerde nicel ve nitel araştırma yöntemleri derslerini almış ve her seviyede analiz yapma fırsatı bulmuştur. Öğretim üyeliği sürecinde, 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi’nde tam zamanlı Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde yarı-zamanlı lisans ve yüksek lisans seviyelerinde araştırma yöntemleri, ölçme-değerlendirme ve istatistik dersleri vermekte, tez danışmanlığı yapmaktadır. Programın süresi Toplamda 20 saat 10 günlük eğitim Program Sonunda Katılım Belgesi Verilecektir.    

Çocuklar için Felsefe (P4C) Eğitmen Eğitimi Sertifika Programı

29 MAYIS ÜNİVERSİTESİ SÜREKLİ EĞİTİM MERKEZİ ÇOCUKLAR İÇİN FELSEFE EĞİTMEN EĞİTİMİ SERTİFİKA PROGRAMI PROGRAMIN AMACI: Eğitimi tamamlayan katılımcıda hem yöntemi uygulayabilecek yeterliliği hem de yöntemle bir eğitim programı (müfredat) oluşturacak beceriyi kazandırmak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu programda katılımcılara, Çocuklar için Felsefe (P4C)’nin pedagojisi ve yöntemi sunulacaktır. Eğitim boyunca katılımcılara, temelinde Sokratik yöntemin olduğu P4C’nin metodolojisi ve pedagojisi sunulacaktır. Ayrıca bu metodolojinin diğer derslerde (matematik, Türkçe, dil dersler gibi…) nasıl uygulanabileceği gösterilecektir. Bu eğitim programından sonra katılımcıların P4C yöntemini kendi derslerinde uygulamaları ve ders eğitim programlarını yeniden yapılandırabilecek beceriye sahip olmaları amaçlanmaktadır. Bu sebeple eğitim alana dair teorik derslerden oluşmakla birlikte uygulama derslerini de içermektedir. Bu sertifika eğitim programı, çocukluk gelişimi, yazarlık eğitimi gibi bir çok disiplinden dersler ile desteklenmektedir. Özellikle çocuk gelişimi dersleriyle her gelişim döneminin soruları bilişse ve ahlaki gelişimi üzerine durularak katılımcıların P4C çalışmasını gerçekleştireceği gruplara dair eğitim programlarını hazırlarken yardımcı olması amaçlanmıştır. Katılımcılara kendi müfredatlarını oluştururken çalıştıkları grupların gelişimsel olarak hangi kavram ve soruları olduğuna dair bilgi sahibi olması bu açıdan önemlidir.  Bu bağlamda özellikle yöntemin kurucusu olan Lipman’ın anaokulundan üniversite dönemine kadar hazırladığı müfredat yapısı incelenerek katılımcıda müfredat geliştirmeye dair yeterlilik sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. PROGRAMIN DETAYLARI: Eğitim iki kademeden oluşmaktadır. Eğitimim teorik ve uygulamalı derslerden oluşmaktadır İki hafta sonu ve hafta içi olmak üzere iki grup bulunmaktadır. Eğitim sonunda 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Merkezinden, Çocuklar için Felsefe (P4C) Eğitmen Sertifikası verilecektir.     Eğitim Tarihleri: Eğitimin başlama tarihi 19 Mart Eğitimin bitiş tarihi 30 Haziran *Ramazan ayında ara tatil verilecektir. Ramazan ayında birinci kademe eğitim tamamlanmış olarak ara verilecektir. Ramazan Bayramından sonra ikinci kademe eğitimi bağlayacaktır. -Hafta içi grubunun eğitimi Salı ve Perşembe günü 18:00 ile 21:00 saatleri arasında gerçekleşecektir. -Hafta sonu grubunun eğitimi Cumartesi günü 10:00 ile 16:30 saatleri arasında gerçekleşecektir. HAFTA İÇİ GRUBU TARİHLERİ HAFTA SONU GRUBU TARİHLERİ Başlama tarihinden itibaren her Salı- Perşembe 18:00-21:00 saatleri arasında gerçekleşecektir. İlk ders 22 Mart Ramazan ayı tatil arası Son ders 30 Haziran   Başlama tarihinden itibaren her Cumartesi saat 10:00- 16:30 arası dersler işlenecektir. İlk ders 19 Mart Ramazan ayı tatil arası Son ders 25 Haziran       EĞİTİM SÜRESİ Eğitim toplam 60 saattir. KATILIMCILAR: Resmi ve özel eğitim kurumlarında çalışan tüm branş öğretmenleri Alana ilgi duyan tüm lisans mezunları       Çocuklar için Felsefe Eğitmen Eğitimi Programı Syllabus                                 1. KADEME EĞİTİMLERİ   Ders Tarihleri Ders Saatleri Dersin Adı Dersin Hocası 1. Hafta       22.Mar 18:00-19:30 Felsefe Nedir? Emine Aslan   19:30- 21:00  P4C Nedir? Yıldız Kulkul 24.Mar 18:00-19:30 Çocuklar için Felsefe'de Kolaylışıtırcının Rolü Yıldız Kulkul   19:30- 21:00 Uygulama Yıldız Kulkul 2. Hafta       29.Mar 18:00-19:30 Tartışma adabı ve ilkeleri Murat Şamil Şen   19:30- 21:00 Çocuklarla atölye uygulama örnekleri Yıldız Kulkul 31.Mar 18:00-19:30   Sokratik yöntem nedir? Sokratik yöntemin P4C ile ilişkisi Murat Şamil Şen   19:30- 21:00 2. Ders: Uygulama Yıldız Kulkul     Toplam: 12 Saat                                    2.KADAME EĞİTİMLERİ   3. Hafta       10.May 18:00-21:00 Hikaye Yazma Teknikleri Ayşenur Gönen 12 Mayıs 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 1 Yıldız Kulkul 4. Hafta       17.05.2022 18:00-21:00 Eğitimde İşletmecilik Zeynep Taşkıran     Kurumlara Proje Hazırlama       Türkiye'de Alternatif Eğitim Atölye Çalışmaları   19.May 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 2 Yıldız Kulkul 5. Hafta       24.May 18:00-21:00  Çocuk gelişimi Şeyma Tozlu Güldal 26.May 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 3 Yıldız Kulkul 6. Hafta       31-May 18:00-21:00  Mantık İlkeleri ve arg. Murat Şamil Şen 2.Haz 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 4 Yıldız Kulkul 7. Hafta       7.06.2022 18:00-21:00 Soruşturmaya Hazırlık: Oyunlar, Aktiviteler, Araç-Gereçler Yıldız Kulkul     Eğitim Felsefesi Akımları   9.Haz 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 5 Yıldız Kulkul 8. Hafta       14.Haz 18:00-21:00 Mİtolojisi  ve felsefi arka planı Emine Aslan 16.Haz 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimi 6 Yıldız Kulkul 9.Hafta       21.Haz 18:00-21:00 Çocuklar için Felsefe Bağlamında Etik Teoriler Murat Şamil Şen 23.06.2022 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimleri 7 Yıldız Kulkul 10.Hafta       28 Haziran 18:00-21:00 İlk okul müfredatında çocuklar için felsefenin yeri Yıldız Kulkul     Lipman'ın çocuklar için felsefe müfredatı       MEB Kazanımları doğrultusunda Uygulama materyal geliştirilmesi   30.Haz 18:00-21:00 Uygulama Deneyimi 8 Yıldız kulkul       48 Saat     Toplam       Toplam Sertifika Eğitim Saati 60 Saat   Bitirme projesi Bir ders tasarım metni geliştirme                                                        Çocuklar için Felsefe (P4C) Eğitmen Eğitimi Sertifika Programı İletişim: bkarademir@29mayis.edu.tr 0216 474 08 61

Certificate In Islamic Economics And Finance - 4-8 March, 2019

  Click For Enrollment Form Click For Enrollment Form   AL-MAKTOUM COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION & ISTANBUL 29 MAYIS UNIVERSITY   Present Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance Intensive Course (one week) 04-08 March, 2019   About this course As a result of the financial crisis, there is an increasing need among scholars of economics and those working in the field to identify and understand what Islamic economics is and how it can contribute to the conventional system of finance and multiculturalism. This, of course, poses the questions ‘What is the difference between the concept of “Islamic economics and finance” and that of pure “economics and finance”?’ and ‘Is “Islamic economics and finance” capable of contributing to a secular society?’ The two compulsory units of this programme meet the requirements of those who wish to improve their understanding of key Islamic economics, finance and banking concepts and practices that may have a significant impact on their work. The programme is available on an intensive basis. Further Study and Careers The full programme is intended for students who wish to pursue a qualification in the field of Islamic economics, finance and banking. The programme will also promote students’ career development in both the private and public sectors through learning appropriate skills such as critical analysis of different concepts and approaches in specific subjects, networking and teambuilding, communication skills, problem-solving, negotiation and influencing skills and written and oral presentation skills. Also, this Program offers an introduction to the evolving Islamic financial sector. It will enhance and develop your knowledge of Islamic finance. The program will enable the participants to: Get well versed in the main Islamic financing modes and contracts. Understand the main terminology of Islamic finance and economics. Recognise the main differences between Islamic and conventional finance. It is intended for: Financiers, bankers and professionals New entrants to, and those intending to work in, the Islamic financial sector Academics, undergraduate and post-graduate students Anyone wishing to know more about this emerging industry Tuition Fees Academic / Professional Fee: $1000 Waged Researcher (Student) Fee: $600 Students (Unwaged) Fee: $350 Please note that 8% VAT will be added to all fees.   The programme is comprised of the following two compulsory units: Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance will enable students to apply the core concepts of Islamic finance in an Islamic banking and insurance operation, to review and assess the commercial performance of Islamic financial institutions according to underlying Islamic principles, and critically compare the ideal concepts and practical implementation in Islamic and western banking and insurance. Islamic Economics and Finance will enable students to identify and understand the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic moral economy at the micro and macro levels, including Islamic finance as a practical tool of Islamic economics systems. This unit will develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical points of view. The unit will also address systematic understanding of Islamic political economy and its axioms which defines the frame, methodology and institutions. From a broader perspective, this unit will also enable students to understand Islamic financial engineering and liquidity management within the capital market context.     Intensive Timetable - Turkey Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance (AIBI)* Islamic Economics and Finance (IEF)** Day Date Time and Lecture Title 1 Monday 04/03/2019 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 2 Tuesday 05/03/2019 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 3 Wednesday 06/03/2019 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 4 Thursday 07/03/2019 9:30am – 12:30pm (IEF) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 5 Friday 08/03/2019 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (AIBI) *AIBI will be taught by Dr Salah Alhammadi **IEF will be taught by Dr Harun Sencal     Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance Unit 1: Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance (15 Hours) Unit Coordinator: Dr Salah Alhammadi   UNIT SUMMARY The growing importance of the Islamic finance industry and the rapid global development of Islamic financial institutions, make it essential that anyone interested in the area of Islamic finance is conversant with the fundamentals, core concepts, and practical operation, control system and regulatory framework of Islamic banking and insurance. The unit will cover the differences between Islamic and western banking and insurance models in terms of conceptual framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and product level differentiation. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic banking and insurance operation, including the embedding of Shari’ah compliance and regulatory frameworks in product development, asset liability management, internal control system, internal and Shari’ah audit as an independent assurance process. The unit will explore how Islamic principles have evolved into structures of products, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry. The issues of Islamic banking and insurance products and services also will be critically analysed.   AIMS To provide students with an advanced understanding of the theoretical aspects of the Islamic banking and insurance systems. To provide students with the understanding of the contemporary application of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically examine the institutional frameworks, governance systems and regulation of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically evaluate the main controversies and challenges facing Islamic banking and insurance.   LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this unit the students should be able to: Critically understand the differences of the institutional framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and products of Islamic and western banking and insurance. Critically understand the process of product development and asset liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. Critically understand the three levels of defence in Islamic banking and insurance operation, which includes the internal Shari’ah control system, implementation of a risk management framework, and the process of internal and Shari’ah audits. Understand how to apply and evaluate the integration of Shari’ah compliance principles and regulatory frameworks into all aspects of Islamic banking and Takaful operation. Critically evaluate the issues within the evolvement of product structures, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry.   GENERAL COURSE PLAN Session DATES TOPICS 1 04/03/2019 9:30 - 12:30 Introduction to Islamic Finance. Institutional framework, governing principles, and governance system of Islamic and conventional banking. The business model and products of Islamic Finance 2 05/03/2019 9:30 - 12:30 Islamic insurance (Takaful) and reinsurance (Retakaful). Why Islamic insurance? 3 06/03/2019 9:30 - 12:30 Risk management in Islamic banking and insurance, and Asset liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. 4 07/03/2019 9:30 - 12:30 Corporate governance issue within product structures, services in Islamic banking, and Shari’ah governance and Internal Shari’ah control system in Islamic banking 5 08/03/2019 13:30 - 16:30 The effect of conflict of interest between unrestricted profit sharing investment account holders and shareholders (Practical case study)   Unit 2: Islamic Economics and Finance (15 Hours) Unit Coordinator: Dr Harun Sencal   UNIT SUMMARY The unit will cover the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economics, including Islamic finance as practical tool of system of Islamic economics. This unit will also develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical point of views. The unit will also address systematic understanding of Islamic political economy and the axioms of Islamic moral economy which defines the frame, methodology and institutions. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic Finance, including the definitions, classifications and nature. Moreover, this unit will discuss the emergent financial institutions. It will explore how Islamic Finance principles have evolved into structures of products and services. Issues of financial and non-financial products and services also will be considered. This unit is linked to the Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance unit, so that students conversant with all the principles and structures behind Islamic Banking and Insurance can be empowered to engage in its application.   AIMS To redefine Islamic economics and finance with its aspects to construct a comprehensive and integrated economic system; To critically evaluate the implementation of Islamic finance according to Islamic Moral economy postulates and assumptions; To acquire a clear understanding of Islamic economic methodology through a critical appraisal of key postulates in existing literature; To examine the emergent financial institutions and instruments of Islamic Finance; To understand the non-market institutions and their role in economic development and securing the welfare for the larger stakeholder.   LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, students should be able to: Understand and evaluate the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economy in the micro and macro level; Critically understand and assess the methodology of Islamic economics in comparison with neoclassical economics; Analyse and evaluate the policies of Islamic economy in the market place: Islamic financial transactions, and the practical applications in the products and services in Islamic financial industry; Critically understand the process of economic development in the light of al maqasid al Shari’ah and institutions for welfare.   GENERAL COURSE PLAN SESSION DATE TOPIC 1 04/3/2019 13:30-16:30 Background of Islamic Economics and Various Approaches towards Islamic Economics 2 05/3/2019 13:30-16:30 Islamic Political Economy 3 06/3/2019 13:30-16:30 Islam and Economic Development 4 07/3/2019 9:30-12:30 Background of Islamic Finance and Current Trends 5 08/3/2019 13:30-16:30 Corporate and Shari’ah Governance     Contact e-mail: mcoban@29mayis.edu.tr                      Tel: 009 0216 474 08 61 (2718/2725)

Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance

AL-MAKTOUM COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION & ISTANBUL 29 MAYIS UNIVERSITY Present Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance Intensive Course (one week) 3-7 September 2018   About this course As a result of the financial crisis, there is an increasing need among scholars of economics and those working in the field to identify and understand what Islamic economics is and how it can contribute to the conventional system of finance and multiculturalism. This, of course, poses the questions ‘What is the difference between the concept of “Islamic economics and finance” and that of pure “economics and finance”?’ and ‘Is “Islamic economics and finance” capable of contributing to a secular society?’ The two compulsory units of this programme meet the requirements of those who wish to improve their understanding of key Islamic economics, finance and banking concepts and practices that may have a significant impact on their work. The programme is available on an intensive basis.   Further Study and Careers The full programme is intended for students who wish to pursue a qualification in the field of Islamic economics, finance and banking. The programme will also promote students’ career development in both the private and public sectors through learning appropriate skills such as critical analysis of different concepts and approaches in specific subjects, networking and teambuilding, communication skills, problem-solving, negotiation and influencing skills and written and oral presentation skills. Also, this Program offers an introduction to the evolving Islamic financial sector. It will enhance and develop your knowledge of Islamic finance. The program will enable the participants to: Get well versed in the main Islamic financing modes and contracts. Understand the main terminology of Islamic finance and economics. Recognise the main differences between Islamic and conventional finance. It is intended for: Financiers, bankers and professionals New entrants to, and those intending to work in, the Islamic financial sector Academics, undergraduate and post-graduate students Anyone wishing to know more about this emerging industry   Tuition Fees Professional Fee: $1000 Academics and Waged Researchers Fee: $600 Students (Unwaged) Fee: $350 * Please note that 8% VAT will be added to all fees, for instance, Professional fee is $1080 including VAT.   The programme is comprised of the following two compulsory units: Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance will enable students to apply the core concepts of Islamic finance in an Islamic banking and insurance operation, to review and assess the commercial performance of Islamic financial institutions according to underlying Islamic principles, and critically compare the ideal concepts and practical implementation in Islamic and western banking and insurance. Islamic Economics and Finance will enable students to identify and understand the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic moral economy at the micro and macro levels, including Islamic finance as a practical tool of Islamic economics systems. This unit will develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical points of view. The unit will also address systematic understanding of Islamic political economy and its axioms which defines the frame, methodology and institutions. From a broader perspective, this unit will also enable students to understand Islamic financial engineering and liquidity management within the capital market context.   Apply to Study for the program If you are interested in the programmes, you can apply for the Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance for online at https://surem.29mayis.edu.tr/egitim/certificate-in-Islamic-economics-and-finance-45.html or you may apply online by clicking here.   Intensive Timetable - Turkey Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance (AIBI)* Islamic Economics and Finance (IEF)** Day Date Time and Lecture Title 1 Monday 3/9/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 2 Tuesday 4/9/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 3 Wednesday 5/9/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 4 Thursday 6/9/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (AIBI) 5 Friday 7/9/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (IEF) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) *AIBI will be taught by Dr Salah Alhammadi **IEF will be taught by Dr Harun Sencal   Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance UNIT 1: APPLIED ISLAMIC BANKING AND INSURANCE (15 HOURS) Unit Coordinator: Dr Salah Alhammadi UNIT SUMMARY The growing importance of the Islamic finance industry and the rapid global development of Islamic financial institutions, make it essential that anyone interested in the area of Islamic finance is conversant with the fundamentals, core concepts, and practical operation, control system and regulatory framework of Islamic banking and insurance. The unit will cover the differences between Islamic and western banking and insurance models in terms of conceptual framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and product level differentiation. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic banking and insurance operation, including the embedding of Shari’ah compliance and regulatory frameworks in product development, asset liability management, internal control system, internal and Shari’ah audit as an independent assurance process. The unit will explore how Islamic principles have evolved into structures of products, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry. The issues of Islamic banking and insurance products and services also will be critically analysed. AIMS To provide students with an advanced understanding of the theoretical aspects of the Islamic banking and insurance systems. To provide students with the understanding of the contemporary application of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically examine the institutional frameworks, governance systems and regulation of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically evaluate the main controversies and challenges facing Islamic banking and insurance. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this unit the students should be able to: Critically understand the differences of the institutional framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and products of Islamic and western banking and insurance. Critically understand the process of product development and asset liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. Critically understand the three levels of defence in Islamic banking and insurance operation, which includes the internal Shari’ah control system, implementation of a risk management framework, and the process of internal and Shari’ah audits. Understand how to apply and evaluate the integration of Shari’ah compliance principles and regulatory frameworks into all aspects of Islamic banking and Takaful operation. Critically evaluate the issues within the evolvement of product structures, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry.   GENERAL COURSE PLAN Session DATES TOPICS 1 3/9/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Introduction to Islamic Finance. Institutional framework, governing principles, and governance system of Islamic and conventional  banking. The business model and products of Islamic Finance 2 4/9/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Islamic insurance (Takaful) and reinsurance (Retakaful). Why Islamic insurance? 3 5/9/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Asset-liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. 4 6/9/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Risk management in Islamic banking and insurance 5 6/9/2018 13:30 - 16:30 Corporate governance issue within product structures, services in Islamic banking, and Shari’ah governance and Internal Shari’ah control system in Islamic banking. (Practical case study)   UNIT 2: ISLAMIC ECONOMICS AND FINANCE (15 HOURS) Unit Coordinator: Dr Harun Sencal   UNIT SUMMARY The unit will cover the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economics, including Islamic finance as practical tool of system of Islamic economics. This unit will also develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical point of views. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic Finance, including the definitions, classifications and nature. Moreover, this unit will discuss the emergent financial institutions such as Islamic FinTech. It will explore how Islamic Finance principles have evolved into structures of products and services. Issues of financial and non-financial products and services also will be considered.   AIMS To redefine Islamic economics and finance with its aspects to construct a comprehensive and integrated economic system; To critically evaluate the implementation of Islamic finance according to Islamic Moral economy postulates and assumptions; To examine the emergent financial institutions and instruments of Islamic Finance; To understand the non-market institutions and their role in economic development and securing the welfare for the larger stakeholder.   LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, students should be able to: Understand and evaluate the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economy in the micro and macro level; Critically understand and assess the methodology of Islamic economics in comparison with neoclassical economics; Analyse and evaluate the policies of Islamic economy in the market place: Islamic financial transactions, and the practical applications in the products and services in Islamic financial industry; Critically understand the process of economic development in the light of al maqasid al Shari’ah and institutions for welfare. GENERAL COURSE PLAN SESSION DATE TOPIC 1 3/9/2018 13:30-16:30 Background of Islamic Economics and Various Approaches towards Islamic Economics 2 4/9/2018 13:30-16:30 Islamic Political Economy 3 5/9/2018 13:30-16:30 Background of Islamic Finance and Current Trends 4 7/9/2018 9:30-12:30 Islamic Capital Markets 5 7/9/2018 13:30-16:30 Shari’ah Governance  

İlahiyat Fakültelerinde Kur'an-ı Kerim Öğretimi Sertifika Programı

Programın amacı: İlahiyat fakültelerinde (eşdeğer fakültelerde) Kuranı Kerim öğretim elemanı (araştırma görevlisi, öğretim görevlisi, okutman) olarak görev almak isteyenleri bu göreve hazırlamaktır.   Program yöneticisi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Fatih ÇOLLAK   Programa başvuru için aranan şartlar: İlahiyat fakültelerinin (eşdeğer fakültelerin) Temel İslam Bilimleri Anabilim Dalında veya bu anabilim dalı kapsamdaki bilim dallarından birinde yüksek lisans / doktora yapanlar veya yapıyor olmak. ( Hafızlık yapanlar tercih sebebidir.) İstanbul’da ikamet ediyor olmak. Aşağıda belirtilen plan dahilinde programa en az  %80 oranında bilfiil katılmayı taahhüt etmek: -2018-2019 Bahar Döneminde Cumartesi günleri öğleden sonra iki blok (90 + 90 dakika) ders (teori ve uygulama) -2019-2020 Güz Döneminde Cumartesi günleri öğleden sonra iki blok (90 + 90 dakika) ders (teori ve uygulama) Not: Bir kurumda görevli olanlar olmayanlar, hafız olanlar / olmayanlar bu programa başvurabilir. ***** Başvuru bilgileri: Başvuru için son tarih: 02 Mart 2019 Başvuru yeri ve şekli: İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi’ne şahsen yapılacaktır. Sınav ve mülakat tarihi ve yeri: İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Programa kabul edilenlerden öğrenim ücreti alınmaz / sadece 100 TL kayıt ücreti alınır. Programa %80 oranında bilfiil katılma yükümlülüğünü yerine getirmeyenlerin / getiremeyeceği anlaşılanların kayıtları silinir. Programın devamı süresinde katılımcıların İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi bünyesindeki Arapça ve İngilizce kurslarından indirimli olarak yararlanma talepleri değerlendirilir.  Programı başarıyla bitirenlere “sertifika” verilir.   İletişim:  T.C İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi Sürekli Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi,  Kısıklı Cad. No:11-A 34692 Bağlarbaşı-Üsküdar/İSTANBUL 0(216) 474 08 61 Dahili:1718

Certificate In Islamic Economics And Finance

    AL-MAKTOUM COLLEGE OF HIGHER EDUCATION & ISTANBUL 29 MAYIS UNIVERSITY   Present Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance Intensive Course (one week) 23-27 April 2018     Period is over for this course. Click here for the recent one. About this course As a result of the financial crisis, there is an increasing need among scholars of economics and those working in the field to identify and understand what Islamic economics is and how it can contribute to the conventional system of finance and multiculturalism. This, of course, poses the questions ‘What is the difference between the concept of “Islamic economics and finance” and that of pure “economics and finance”?’ and ‘Is “Islamic economics and finance” capable of contributing to a secular society?’ The two compulsory units of this programme meet the requirements of those who wish to improve their understanding of key Islamic economics, finance and banking concepts and practices that may have a significant impact on their work. The programme is available on an intensive basis. Further Study and Careers The full programme is intended for students who wish to pursue a qualification in the field of Islamic economics, finance and banking. The programme will also promote students’ career development in both the private and public sectors through learning appropriate skills such as critical analysis of different concepts and approaches in specific subjects, networking and teambuilding, communication skills, problem-solving, negotiation and influencing skills and written and oral presentation skills. Also, this Program offers an introduction to the evolving Islamic financial sector. It will enhance and develop your knowledge of Islamic finance. The program will enable the participants to: Get well versed in the main Islamic financing modes and contracts. Understand the main terminology of Islamic finance and economics. Recognise the main differences between Islamic and conventional finance. It is intended for: Financiers, bankers and professionals New entrants to, and those intending to work in, the Islamic financial sector Academics, undergraduate and post-graduate students Anyone wishing to know more about this emerging industry Tuition Fees Academic / Professional Fee: $1000 Waged Researcher (Student) Fee: $600 Students (Unwaged) Fee: $350 Please note that 8% VAT will be added to all fees.   The programme is comprised of the following two compulsory units: Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance will enable students to apply the core concepts of Islamic finance in an Islamic banking and insurance operation, to review and assess the commercial performance of Islamic financial institutions according to underlying Islamic principles, and critically compare the ideal concepts and practical implementation in Islamic and western banking and insurance. Islamic Economics and Finance will enable students to identify and understand the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic moral economy at the micro and macro levels, including Islamic finance as a practical tool of Islamic economics systems. This unit will develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical points of view. The unit will also address systematic understanding of Islamic political economy and its axioms which defines the frame, methodology and institutions. From a broader perspective, this unit will also enable students to understand Islamic financial engineering and liquidity management within the capital market context.     Intensive Timetable - Turkey Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance (AIBI)* Islamic Economics and Finance (IEF)** Day Date Time and Lecture Title 1 Monday 23/04/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 2 Tuesday 24/04/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 3 Wednesday 25/04/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 4 Thursday 26/04/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (IEF) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (IEF) 5 Friday 27/04/2018 9:30am – 12:30pm (AIBI) 1:30pm – 4:30pm (AIBI) *AIBI will be taught by Dr Salah Alhammadi **IEF will be taught by Dr Harun Sencal     Certificate in Islamic Economics and Finance Unit 1: Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance (15 Hours) Unit Coordinator: Dr Salah Alhammadi   UNIT SUMMARY The growing importance of the Islamic finance industry and the rapid global development of Islamic financial institutions, make it essential that anyone interested in the area of Islamic finance is conversant with the fundamentals, core concepts, and practical operation, control system and regulatory framework of Islamic banking and insurance. The unit will cover the differences between Islamic and western banking and insurance models in terms of conceptual framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and product level differentiation. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic banking and insurance operation, including the embedding of Shari’ah compliance and regulatory frameworks in product development, asset liability management, internal control system, internal and Shari’ah audit as an independent assurance process. The unit will explore how Islamic principles have evolved into structures of products, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry. The issues of Islamic banking and insurance products and services also will be critically analysed.   AIMS To provide students with an advanced understanding of the theoretical aspects of the Islamic banking and insurance systems. To provide students with the understanding of the contemporary application of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically examine the institutional frameworks, governance systems and regulation of Islamic banking and insurance. To critically evaluate the main controversies and challenges facing Islamic banking and insurance.   LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this unit the students should be able to: Critically understand the differences of the institutional framework, governing principles, governance system, business model, and products of Islamic and western banking and insurance. Critically understand the process of product development and asset liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. Critically understand the three levels of defence in Islamic banking and insurance operation, which includes the internal Shari’ah control system, implementation of a risk management framework, and the process of internal and Shari’ah audits. Understand how to apply and evaluate the integration of Shari’ah compliance principles and regulatory frameworks into all aspects of Islamic banking and Takaful operation. Critically evaluate the issues within the evolvement of product structures, services, control and governance system in Islamic banking and Takaful industry.   GENERAL COURSE PLAN Session DATES TOPICS 1 23/04/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Introduction to Islamic Finance. Institutional framework, governing principles, and governance system of Islamic and conventional banking. The business model and products of Islamic Finance 2 24/04/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Islamic insurance (Takaful) and reinsurance (Retakaful). Why Islamic insurance? 3 25/04/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Risk management in Islamic banking and insurance, and Asset liability management in Islamic banking and insurance. 4 27/04/2018 9:30 - 12:30 Corporate governance issue within product structures, services in Islamic banking, and Shari’ah governance and Internal Shari’ah control system in Islamic banking 5 27/04/2018 13:30 - 16:30 The effect of conflict of interest between unrestricted profit sharing investment account holders and shareholders (Practical case study)   Unit 2: Islamic Economics and Finance (15 Hours) Unit Coordinator: Dr Harun Sencal   UNIT SUMMARY The unit will cover the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economics, including Islamic finance as practical tool of system of Islamic economics. This unit will also develop an understanding of the history and evolution of Islamic political economy and Islamic moral economy both from Islamic and neoclassical point of views. The unit will also address systematic understanding of Islamic political economy and the axioms of Islamic moral economy which defines the frame, methodology and institutions. It will also cover all aspects associated with Islamic Finance, including the definitions, classifications and nature. Moreover, this unit will discuss the emergent financial institutions. It will explore how Islamic Finance principles have evolved into structures of products and services. Issues of financial and non-financial products and services also will be considered. This unit is linked to the Applied Islamic Banking and Insurance unit, so that students conversant with all the principles and structures behind Islamic Banking and Insurance can be empowered to engage in its application.   AIMS To redefine Islamic economics and finance with its aspects to construct a comprehensive and integrated economic system; To critically evaluate the implementation of Islamic finance according to Islamic Moral economy postulates and assumptions; To acquire a clear understanding of Islamic economic methodology through a critical appraisal of key postulates in existing literature; To examine the emergent financial institutions and instruments of Islamic Finance; To understand the non-market institutions and their role in economic development and securing the welfare for the larger stakeholder.   LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of the course, students should be able to: Understand and evaluate the origin, concepts, and aims of Islamic economy in the micro and macro level; Critically understand and assess the methodology of Islamic economics in comparison with neoclassical economics; Analyse and evaluate the policies of Islamic economy in the market place: Islamic financial transactions, and the practical applications in the products and services in Islamic financial industry; Critically understand the process of economic development in the light of al maqasid al Shari’ah and institutions for welfare.   GENERAL COURSE PLAN SESSION DATE TOPIC 1 23/4/2018 13:30-16:30 Background of Islamic Economics and Various Approaches towards Islamic Economics 2 24/4/2018 13:30-16:30 Islamic Political Economy 3 25/4/2018 13:30-16:30 Islam and Economic Development 4 26/4/2018 9:30-12:30 Background of Islamic Finance and Current Trends 5 26/4/2018 13:30-16:30 Corporate and Shari’ah Governance     Contact e-mail: surem@29mayis.edu.tr                      Tel: 009 0216 474 08 61 (1718/1725)

Satışta İletişim, İkna ve Algı Yönetimi

Satışta İletişim, İkna ve Algı Yönetimi Satış eskiden kutuplardaki adama buzdolabı satabilmek olarak tanımlanırken, artık bu tür bir satışın sürdürülebilir başarıyı getirmediği çok açıktır. Bu tür bir satışın ilişkileri güçlendirmek yerine, ilişkileri  yorduğu ve güveni zedelediğini görülmektedir. Satış mesleği eskiden basit bir mantıkla müşteriyle diyalog, ikna becerisi gibi basit yeteneklere indirgeniyordu. Bugün ki anlayışta ise satış artık iletişim kurabilme değil, iletişimi yönetebilme becerisi olarak tanımlanıyor. Neyi neden satın alırız, satın almaya nasıl karar veririz, kararımızı etkileyen faktörler nelerdir, benzer iki üründen birini seçmemizi ne belirler? Doğrusu, tüm bu soruların net bir cevabı yok. Ancak bizleri heyecanlandıracak bir neden verirseniz mantıklı davranmayı bırakabiliriz. Hatta daha çok kazandıracak seçenekleri elimizin tersiyle itebiliriz. Modern yaklaşıma göre insanlar akıllarıyla değil, duygularıyla satın alıyorlar; akıl sadece tasdik ediyor.   Program İçeriği: Satış nedir? İlişki yönetimi İletişimi yönetebilme becerisi Alıcıda olması gereken özellikler Satıcıda olması gereken özellikler Hırs, tutku Konsantre olabilme yeteneği İş yaşamında mutlaka olması gereken kişisel özellikler Gülümsemek Bakış açıları İletişim becerileri Bakış açılarını geliştirmeye yönelik oyunlar, deneyler Algılama testleri Nasıl algılıyoruz? İşitsel algılama vaka çalışması Görsel algılama vaka çalışması   Farklılıklarımız nereden kaynaklanıyor? Duygular Ortam Geçmiş deneyim Satışta iletişim konusunu neden konuşmalıyız? İş yaşamında iletişimden kaynaklanan sorunlar, araştırma sonuçları Yüz yüze kurulan ilişkilerde algının ağırlıklı dağılımı Dil Dil ötesi Beden dili İletişim nedir? Doğru iletişim İletişimde 3 A Ne söyleyeceğiz, nasıl söyleyeceğiz Neden iletişim kurarız? Müşteri adayımız ile nasıl iletişim kurarız? Temel iletişim çeşitleri Sözlü iletişim ( Dil ve dil ötesi ) Sözsüz iletişim ( Yüz, beden, ortam, araçlar ) İletişimde dil ve dil ötesi Kelimelerin anlamı ( Kısa film ) Sen dili Ben dili Sözsüz iletişim ( Yüz, beden, mekan …… ) Yüz, mimikler Eller, kollar, hareketler Beden davranışları Satış görüşmelerinde görünüş, duruş, bakış ne ifade ediyor? Algılanan çekicilik düzeyi ( Kısa film ) Beden dili örnek çalışmalar İş hayatında vücut dili ile ilgili mutlaka dikkat edilmesi gerekenler Forbes anket sonuçları Aktif ve etkin dinlemenin satışta önemi Nasıl bir dinleyicisiniz Dinleme testi ( Kısa hikaye ) Neden dinlemekte zorlanıyoruz? İletişim kurulmasında engel olan davranışlar Emretme, yönlendirme, talep etme, eleştirme Uyarma, tehdit etme, gözdağı verme, yargılama Nutuk çekme, kanıtlar ileri sürme, suçlama Çözüm getirme, fikir verme, öneride bulunma   Karşımızdakinin bakış açısını anlamak Empati Olaylara yaklaşım tarzlarımız Düşüncelerimizin davranışlarımıza etkisi Zihinsel imaj Egolar     Satışta duyguların önemi Neden duygular? Satabilmek için nasıl satın alındığını bilmeliyiz Davranışsal ekonomi Neden akıl dışı kararlar alıyoruz? Beyin nasıl işliyor? Temel davranışsal ekonomi ( satınalma davranışları ) kavramları Sahiplik etkisi Kayıptan kaçınma Örnek vaka çalışmaları Neyi neden alıyoruz? İnsanları satın almaya iten faktörler Nasıl karar veriyoruz? Duygusal mı, rasyonel mi? Karşılaştırmalar, örnek vakalar Bu şartlar altında biz nasıl satış yapmalıyız? Satış yapmayın! Yaratıcılık Anlam Network Satışta Yaratıcılık Duyguları harekete geçiren şeyler Ürünlerde yaratıcılık, insanlarda yaratıcılık Nasıl yaratıcı olabiliriz? Bilinçlenmek, ya olursa… Harita mı, rehber mi? Ol – Yap – Sahip ol Satış için duyguları harekete geçirmek Neden duygular? Kararlarımız ne kadar duygusal? Duygular nasıl harekete geçer? Satış sürecine anlam katmak Müşteri - hizmet - fayda vaka çalışması Özellik – fayda farklılıklarının etkisi Görüşme süreci nasıl olmalı? İçerik odaklılık Anlam odaklılık Müşterinizi satınalma davranışına götüren taktikler 7 önemli taktik Basit ikna yöntemleri Çok evet demek, Israrcı olmak Yönlendirme, kişiselleştirme Araştırma, inceleme, detaylar Olumlu düşünce, olumlu yaklaşım Hizmet satışında network’ün önemi Monolog mu, çok taraflı iletişim mi? Reklam, tanıtım etkisi Tavsiye, referans… inanılmaz etkisi Network için ekosistem oluşturma İlgilenin, hızlı, çok kişiyle, sık sık Gez, tanış, oku, paylaş Paradigmalardan kurtulmak Algılama, davranış, sonuç Paradigma değiştirmek Paradigma örnekleri ( Kısa film ) 21 gün kuralı Son sözler….

Akademisyenlere Yönelik Genel İngilizce Programı

Programın Amacı Nedir?  29 Mayıs Üniversitesi olarak alanında uzman eğitmenlerimizle gerçekleşecek programın temel amacı dinleme – konuşma – yazma ve okuma becerilerinin geliştirilmesidir. Yoğun bir program dâhilinde sunulan eğitimimiz öğrenci, öğrenme ve öğretme odaklı olup; öğrencilerimizi başlangıç seviyesinden ileri seviyelere taşımaktır. 5 seviyeden oluşan İngilizce eğitimimiz, başlangıç seviyesinden itibaren öğrencilerimize aktarılan bilginin en doğru şekilde kullanılarak verim alabilecekleri teknikleri içermektedir. Programımız İngilizce eğitimine farklı bir yaklaşım getirmek amacıyla İngilizce eğitimimiz akademisyenlere yönelik olarak tasarlanmıştır. Eğitim sadece akademisyenlerden oluşan sınıflarımızda akademik düzeyde verilmektedir.   Kimler Katılabilir? Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Öğrencileri  - Akademisyenler – Okutmanlar – Araştırma Görevlileri   Program Detayları Nedir? Dinleme – Konuşma – Okuma ve Yazma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi. Kelime hazinesinin arttırılması. Ders kitabı dışında gazete, dijital ortam metinleri, akademik kitap ve makaleler, kısa hikaye, şiir gibi ek materyallerin kullanılması. Eğitim 120 saattir Haftalık 12 saatlik ders alarak 10 haftada tamamlanacaktır. Öğrencilerin özel taleplerine göre farklı alternatifler de mümkündür. Eğitimin sonunda seviye bitirme sınavı yapılacaktır   Program Sonunda Katılım Belgesi Verilecektir.